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The development of a human baby is a fascinating period. Throughout the pregnancy, an entire life is grown from a single cell- the zygote. The zygote develops into an embryo, which then develops into a fetus, which ultimately develops to become the baby. In a normal pregnancy, a tiny human being grows, with everything they need to survive outside the womb. The zygote undergoes significant changes while in the womb to grow into a baby. During this time, the mother-to-be should access proper prenatal care so that both she and her baby will be in optimum health levels.

The start of pregnancy is measured from the first day of the last menstrual period. It is known as the gestational age or the menstrual age. On average, conception- that is the formation of a zygote by the fusion of the sperm and ovum- occurs about two weeks from this date. Doctors use the date of the first day of the last period to figure out how far along with the pregnancy a woman is. It also helps to gauge the due date.

Development of the baby during pregnancy occurs in three main stages. The first two weeks following conception is known as the germinal stage. The second stage is known as the embryonic period. It ranges from the third to the eighth week. The third stage is from the ninth week until birth and is called the fetal period. In each of these stages, the baby undergoes various types of development and growth.

The pregnancy can be divided into three stages, called trimesters. Each trimester is roughly three months long. The baby changes a lot throughout a typical pregnancy. Generally, the stages of growth in pregnancy involve:

1. The First Trimester.

The first trimester spans from conception to 12 weeks. The baby develops from a group of cells into a fetus that is starting to have a baby’s features. During the first trimester, the amniotic sac and placenta develop. At the end of the first three months, the baby is fully formed. All the organs and limbs (extremities) are present and will continue to develop to become functional. The baby’s circulatory and urinary systems are also working, and the liver produces bile. Since the baby undergoes its most critical development, the chance of miscarriage drops considerably after three months.

2. The Second Trimester.

The second trimester is often seen as the best part of the pregnancy. By this time, any morning sickness is probably gone, and the discomfort of early pregnancy fades. The baby will start to develop facial features. In this trimester, movement can be felt as the baby flips and turns in the uterus. During this trimester, many people find out the sex of the baby. If born prematurely, the baby may survive after the 23rd week with intensive care. 

3. The Third Trimester.

Throughout the third trimester, the baby gains weight quickly, adding body fat that will help after birth. The baby's brain is developing rapidly at this time, and it can see and hear. The baby's reflexes coordinate so he or she can blink, close the eyes, turn the head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light, and touch. The baby moves less due to tight space. Near the due date, the baby’s position may have changed to prepare for birth. Ideally, the baby is head down in the uterus. The typical full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, which can come to ten months.

Pregnancy is a period of intense changes- both for the mother and the child. It is essential to get proper health-care during pregnancy. Getting the right treatment from a skilled gynaecologist ensures that both the mother and the child are in optimum health after the pregnancy. Avail quality medical care from the premier gynecologist in Wakrah with Premium Naseem.

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